

The lowest rate for one-on-one tutoring is $125 an hour, with a commitment through the duration of the program.

tutor working one-on-one with student at boston tutoring center in west roxbury massachusetts

We Have Some of the Best Tutors in the Area!

Our tutors have attended prestigious schools such as: MIT, Harvard, Brown, Columbia, Duke, Michigan, Wellesley and Boston College and many have advanced degrees (Master and Doctorates, or are Doctoral candidates) in addition to the many years of tutoring experiences they bring to us from teaching at the elementary through college level.

Our screening process is rigorous, we accept about 2 out of every 10 candidates we interview. We check references, and run criminal background checks to make sure your child(ren) are safe while working with our tutors. We start tutors off slowly and train them in our policies, procedures and techniques. We constantly monitor, supervise and provide feedback to our tutors. We pay our tutors the highest salaries in the industry because we want professionals, not just people looking for easy, part time work.

Rest assured that your child is in good hands with our tutors, and they will be exposed to some of the brightest minds in the area!

You will be impressed with the caliber of tutors we employ to work with your child(ren)!


From the parent of an ISEE student:

When it comes to test prep and the process, Anne Yount’s Boston Tutoring Center delivers results. I found no other place which is as professional and gets right to the point. The tutors have excellent backgrounds and work hard with their students. Anne clearly explains why you need to start test prep 9-12 months before the test vs. taking a week crash course. Our daughter prepared 11 months for the ISEE exam and hit the ball out of the park. She got into all the private schools she applied as well as Boston Latin. Ms. Anne delivers! Thank you to her, the tutors and the staff.